Monday, December 31, 2007

The New Edition of Crocheted & Fabric Tapestry Rugs

If you’ve been following the website, you’ve seen the announcement that the new edition of Crocheted & Fabric Tapestry Rugs (C&FT) is coming out soon. I’d had hopes that it would have been ready by October, but… February is good too! This one is volume 3 of the "handbook" series and so there is a lot more latitude to add wads of new information. It’s more than double in size.

Probably the feature that I am most excited about is including the information about making crocheted rugs from any type of material. That means for the first time, you’ll be able to adapt crocheting or fabric tapestry to whatever you want to work with—including yarn! For the textile explorer, this book will open completely new fields for texture, shape and design.

All of the classic information is still there, with the step-by-steps for beginners, so it isn’t like the book is just for experienced crocheters. In fact, during the past 24 years since I first wrote about crocheting rag rugs, I’ve found that the more crochet experience a person has, the more trouble they seem to have learning to work with fabric strip. Yarns and fabrics crochet differently, so an experienced crocheter often has to un-learn yarn habits to be able to make rag rugs. There is even a section in the new edition entitled "If You Already Know How to Crochet, Read This First. I Mean It!" LOL

The new edition should be through production in about mid-February. I kept thinking about how mad I’d be if I’d bought the older edition, and then found out a month later that a book twice the size had just come out for about the same price. I’d feel cheated. So, we figured the best thing to do would be just to take the old edition out of print now. (The small book 9-014 "Crocheted Rag Rugs for the Beginner") will still be available in the meantime for anyone who wants to get started and just can wait for the new edition.

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